Monday, June 1, 2009


wow messed up title there huh? haha

well so yeah my life has been perfect as always

just working all day and night cause miranda and jade suck at being waitresses and i had to fire my assistant cause she would not give me a feet rub two nigfhts in a row geezbut..

I really don't care cause i still have Nicole and DOug and Kayne and stuff so i don't need personal assistant yay

well yeah i have been in the studio alot for my new album coming out soon called "little miss perfect" yeah well thought i would give youa sneek peak by posting th lyrics to one of the songs titled "its not easybeing perfect" well here it is

Look over here
I know i look oh so good
(like always)
Don't come near
Cause oyu might ruin my image
(don't event hink)
That i don't care
Cause its not easy being me

You think that all it takes is
But it takes alot of work to get
But it not easy
Being PErfect
Not easy

It might look like it no work
But let me tell you that i work
its not just sittign round all day
Letting everybody stare
While you do your hair
Cause it takes time
It might not work
But everythign for me

You think that all it takes is
But it takes alot of work to get
But it not easy
Being PErfect
Not easy

Not easy
Not eaasy
You know what i mean
I work all day
Don't rest at night
I make it look easyBut its all a lie
it not easy being perfect

You think that all it takes is
But it takes alot of work to get
But it not easy
Being PErfect
Not easy

You think that all it takes is
But it takes alot of work to get
But it not easy
Being PErfect
Not easy

Look over here
Look even deeper then before

Hope you like it it will be out by this summer

Well i better get off

Friday, May 1, 2009

Yippe meme

1. What is one thing Nicole isn't exactly made for?

2. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Joel and Kayne! How will it go?
Fun i guess they probaly will want to go on all the cool scary roller coaster

3. If Nicki and Nicole were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
Nicki will die

4. Will Harlow eat those green eggs and ham?
Yes she will eat anything

5. Have you dreamt of Kayne before?

6. If you could do anything with Benji, what would it be?

7. If Doug played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
Well the hot guy whois really a bitch

8. In a race between you, Vanessa and Harlow, who would win?
ME cause Harlow is just a baby and Vanessa is a wimp

9. Do you love Brittany?
No not at all

10. Do you love Jae?
Sorry no

Thats all

Hope you like my new blog